I was never a fan of drama movies, not until I watched “007: Skyfall” a few years ago that I found myself captivated by spy-themed movies. The last spy film I watched was “Kingsman: The Secret Service”, directed by Matthew Vaughn and it totally blew me away. The movie was based on the acclaimed comic book “The Secret Service” by Dave Gibbons and Mark Millar. The three hours long movie tells a story of a secret spy organization that recruits an unrefined but promising street kid into the agency’s ultra-competitive training program.
自己從來不是一個喜歡看劇情片的觀眾,但自從於數年前看過《007:智破天凶城》之後便開始迷上了特務電影,而近期看過最精彩的特務電影便是由 Matthew Vaughn 所執導的《皇家特工:間諜密令》。這部從 Dave Gibbons 和 Mark Millar 創作的漫畫《The Secret Service》改篇而成的電影片長 3 個多小時,講述一個秘密特務組織,如何使得一個不登大雅之堂、但前途無何限量的邊緣青年參與由組織所進行競爭異常激烈的訓練計劃的故事。
Besides the fierce action scenes, there was a scene where the veteran Kingsman agent Harry (Colin Firth) took his protégé Eggsy (Taron Egerton) to a tailor shop in Savile Row, which turned out to be a hidden weaponry. They walked through the weaponry; regardless of the umbrellas, lighters, shoes, everything seems normal, but in fact they are the concealed weapons for defense and attack – or worst case put someone to death. This scene struck me as it was fascinated to see all these super-spy gadgets and devices (be it fictional or not), and the same feeling had came over me when I discovered Foxglove, a newly opened lounge-bar in Central, Hong Kong.
除了當中的精彩動作場面令人目不暇給之外,其中由老牌 Kingsman 特工 Harry (由 Colin Firth 飾演)帶著他的得意門生 Eggsy(由 Taron Egerton 飾演)到 Savile Row 上裁縫店內的密室,展示不同秘密武器的一幕最令我印象深刻。密室內所擺放的一切,無論是雨傘、打火機、皮鞋等等,每一樣都看似平平無奇,卻實際上每一件都是用來防禦和攻擊敵人,甚至可殺人於無形的致命武器。雖然不知道現實生活的特工同樣擁有這些裝備,但這一幕確實讓我極之難忘,而這種震憾的感覺在我發現 Foxglove 這間位於中環而且剛開業不久的餐廳之後就再次湧上心頭。
Opened in November last year, Foxglove is located in Printing House on Ice Street Street in Central. The hip bar and restaurant is under the same group as Mrs. Pound, which is another secretive speakeasy in town. Designed by NC Design & Architecture, the idea draws inspiration from the globe-trotting adventures of an English gentleman named Frank Minza from the 50s, and is named after his lost lover’s favorite flower, in attempt to win her back. From the entrance into the counter, you will find these exquisite silver and gold handle-umbrellas made by Fox Umbrella, a British renowned umbrella maker that produces handmade umbrella since 1868. Just in case you are wondering, the umbrellas are actually for sale; you can customize it to cater your needs and likes and receive a lifetime warranty, too.
在去年 11 月開業的 Foxglove 位於中環都爹利街的印刷行內,與城中另一間時尚食府 Mrs. Pound 屬同一集團,亦同樣由 NC Design & Architecture 工作室負責室內設計。設計靈感源自一位活躍於 50 年代並且經常周遊列國的英國旅客 Frank Minza,是 Foxglove 便是他的愛人最喜歡的花朶「毛地黃」。從斜路走進門口,沿途你會看到很多以金屬和銅鑄造而成的遮柄。門口看來冠冕堂皇,入口兩旁的玻璃櫃內也同樣擺放著不同款式設計的雨傘,而這些雨傘都是成立於 1868 年英國經典雨傘品牌 Fox Umbrella 的出品,以全人手製作而見稱。這些擺放在陳列櫃內的雨傘不但可供購買,客人更可按照自己的需要和喜好進行訂製,而且每一把都終生保用,盡顯英國老牌子對顧客的忠誠與品質保證。
Inside the restaurant, it is divided into three parts; a first class cabin themed main lounge and cocktail bar that seats 80 guests, a V.I.P room that inspired by a vintage first-class train cabin that holds up 30 people, and a secret V.V.I.P room (which we were not allowed to photograph the inside) that brings you to a classic library with luxurious leather club chairs and a marble bar counter, which makes a perfect hideout for the Kingsman to hold secret meetings, just like the one they have on the Savile Row Street in the movie. Sitting in this secretive room, you couldn’t help but imagine yourself as one of the resourceful “Kingsman” agents delegating tasks for the next mission.
這間餐廳總共分成三個部份,當中包括一個以飛機頭等艙作為主題,設有吧台和能夠容納 80 人的大廳、一個以傳統火車頭等艙作為靈感設計,能容納 30 人,特別為款待貴賓而設的 V.I.P 房、以及一個謝絕我們拍攝、用來款待非常重要人物的秘密貴賓房,裡面擺放著數張豪華真皮座椅、書櫃和大理石吧台,令人彷如走進在一個私人圖書館,不禁讓人幻想自己也是一位機智多謀的「金牌特務」,與電影中的主角在 Savile Row 上的特務巢穴內進行秘密會面。
+852 2116 8949 2/F, Printing House, 6 Duddell Street, Central, Hong Kong
+852 2116 8949
香港中環都爹利街印刷行 2 樓